Butterfly Lives: Lifecycle and ecology interpretation signs
So often we only see information about, and photos of, adult butterflies, and hear only about nectar plants for butterflies. Information about the whole animal: eggs, caterpillars, chrysalises and adult butterflies and what they need isn’t well-known. Alongside our book Create More Butterflies, these signs have been produced to change this view of butterflies. Presented here is a small selection of the 60+ signs for caterpillar food plants that are available for 40+ butterflies.
The signs are available for sale in A4 and A3 sizes for your display. Please contact info@earthling.com.au to discuss what’s available to meet your needs.
My thanks go to the fabulous Mary Brettell, Graphic Designer extraordinaire, for her most valuable input into the design of these posters
Australian Painted Lady (on Yellow Buttons or Paper Daisy)
Blue Argus (on Pink Tongue)
Blue Tiger (on Corky Milk Vine)
Blue Triangle (on Native Laurels)
Blue Triangle (on White Bolly Gum)
Blue Triangle (on Wilga)
Bordered Rustic (on Flintwood)
Bright Cornelian (on Tuckeroo)
Bright Cornelian (on Tulipwood)
Caper White (on Scrub Caper)
Chequered Swallowtail (on Emu Foot)
Clearwing Swallowtail (on Cressida Pipe-flower)
Common Crow (on Monkey Rope vine)
Common Pencil-Blue (on Blackbean)
Common Pencil-blue (on native Wisteria)
Common Pencil-Blue (on Tuckeroo)
Dainty Swallowtail
Eastern Dusk-flat
Fuscous Swallowtail (on Pink Limeberry)
Joseph’s Coat Moth (on Cayratia clematidea)
Large Grass-yellow
Meadow Argus (on Fanflowers)
Orchard Swallowtail (on Native Ash)
Orchard Swallowtail (on Native Finger Lime)
Purple Moonbeam (on Sandpaper Fig)
Richmond Birdwing (on Birdwing vine)
Small Green-banded Blue (on SoapTree or Red Ash)
Tailed Emperor (on Snow Wood)
Varied Eggfly (on Joyweed)
White-banded Plane (on Flame Tree)
Yellow Migrant (on Climbing Senna)